Logistics Service
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  • Ship Oil Spill Emergency Reponses
  • Service Type:Logistics Service
  • Brief introduction:

    We offer service about ship pollutants disposal, if you have vessel come to China, just contact us !
    Direct mail to: service@haitongmarine.com


Our service scope include:
ship oil spill emergency reponses
disposal of sludge/slop/oily water
Ship oil tank cleaning
disposal of ship's waste/garbage/scrap

Professional team, 7*24 hours service
Specialized sludge disposal barges
A Big storage of materials & facilities for oil spilling cleaning
A important member of emergency response at all domestic ports
ISO14001:2004 management system
Eleven sludge barges, six carrier vehicles

Contact us | site map | Guangdong ICP No. 06098553
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