Shenzhen Haitong Marine Services Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Haitong Marine Services Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Haitong Marine Services Co., Ltd., the scope of business: international trade; ship management; the ship asset management; ship trading, leasing; Water ancillary operations; service offshore oil platform supply; international maritime auxiliary services; crew management; port construction; fairwayEngineering; ship repair, lubricating oil, fuel supply. HaiTong Marine Service Co.,LTD, the scope of business: international trade;catering&provisions;oil&chemical supplying;ship repair;ship supplying;safety inspection;offshore engineering;weight loading test...Service area include various main ports of China...[More>>]
Haitong Marine Service Co., Limited
Address: Shekou,Shenzhen,China
Tel:0755-26672671, 0755-26028728
Contact us | site map | Guangdong ICP No. 06098553
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